• King City FFA Ranked 3rd in the State for 2018!
  • 2018-2019 Chapter Officer Team!
  • King City Awarded Chapter of the Year for the Monterey Bay Section
Welcome to King City FFA. Advocating agriculture since 1929

"Leave A Legacy!"

King City FFA Ranked 3rd in the State of California!



FFA Week is coming up ladies and gentleman and we got a whole week planned out for you guys. If you would like to participate to lets start off with Monday- Decorate town Blue & Gold Tuesday- Bounce Houses Wednesday- Water Balloon Toss, Petting Zoo, &  Tractor Races Thursday- Teacher Appreciation Friday- Kiss the Pig! […]

State Convention

If you would like to attend State Convention this year in Anaheim, California with very exciting speakers, workshops and more, then speak to your Ag teacher get an application in with a deposit of $200. Turn in your deposit with your application by January 12, 2018.

New Year, New Team

On May 04, 2017, the annual King City FFA Awards Banquet was held at the Salinas Valley Fair Grounds in the Pavilion building at 6pm. Many events took place that night, but the one mostly everyone was looking forward too was the announcement of the 2017 – 2018 King City FFA Officer Team. The candidates […]

Opening and Closing Competition

  On Wednesday, October 5th, 36 members of the King City FFA traveled up to Salinas and competed in the annual Opening and Closing Ceremonies competition at Everette Alvarez High School. The sectional officers conducted the Opening Ceremonies which lead to the explanation of the contest and round 1 on the competition. Afterwards the finalist […]

2016 Chapter Officer Leadership Conference

The King City FFA Officer team had an awesome time at the South Coast Region Chapter Officer Leadership Conference on October 8-9. At this conference, the officers learned the importance of having Unity, Passion, Guidance, and Communication to create a strong bond with each other as well as having those leadership traits help improve the chapter. […]


King City High School

720 Broadway St.
King City, CA 93930