Meet Our Team

Officer Group Photo


Brianna Hernandez


Hi! I’m Brianna Hernandez and I am proudly serving the King City FFA chapter this year as president. This year I am a senior at KCHS.

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Luis Villanueva

Vice President

Hey, I’m Luis Villanueva and I’m proud to serve as your vice president. Being a junior at KCHS I am interested in swimming, going on road trips, showing my livestock, and being part of junior fair board. I also like to go to the beach and amusement parks on my spare time. My legacy will be left by leaving a mark not only on our chapter but throughout the community as well. I will leave behind a stable foundation that was once created for me, for others to follow in my footsteps and leave their now legacy.

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Faith Head

Recording Secretary

Hi, my name is Faith Head and I am a junior at KCHS. This year I am serving as the chapter recording secretary. I enjoy reading, learning interesting facts, and helping other people in life. Some of my hobbies that I enjoy include listening to different genres of music and to cook and eat the food that I make. This year I’m looking forward to making wonderful memories with people.


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Taylor Pryor

Corresponding Secretary

Hey my name is Taylor Pryor and I’m the corresponding secretary for the King City FFA chapter. I am currently a senior this year and I enjoy raising livestock for the Salinas Valley Fair, hanging out with my friends, driving my truck, and maintaining my good grades. This year I am looking forward to meeting the chapter members and get their insight as to what activities they’d enjoy for our meetings.

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Brooke Tidwell


Hi, my name is Brooke Tidwell and I am a sophomore. I am the chapter treasurer for the 2018-2019 school year. I enjoy playing softball and being involved in junior fair board. I hope to start showing livestock again this year and I will leave my legacy by making sure everyone has fun, but also keeping the chapter organized.

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Clarissa Rios


Hi, my name is Clarissa Rios and I am a junior at King City High School. This year I will proudly be serving as the chapter reporter. When I’m not caught up with FFA activities you can catch me running around campus getting interviews for my journalism articles. Although I devote most of my time to my schoolwork, I enjoy playing the piano, reading, and spending time with my family. This year I look forward to meeting many of you at our chapter meetings. As the reporter I will strive to spread the word of our organization and it’s ever-growing impact on our community here in King City.


Maggie Garcia


Hello! I’m Maggie Garcia and I’m this year’s chapter sentinel. I am a sophomore at KCHS this year.

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Brenna Owens


Hi! My name is Brenna Owens and I am a sophomore at KCHS. I am the chapter historian for the 2018-2019 school year. I play three sports all school year including volleyball, basketball, and softball. I also enjoy taking lambs and pigs to fairs. This year I am most excited to improve our FFA chapter by listening to what the members want. I will leave my legacy by improving our chapter and making it more engaging for our incoming members.

FFA Officers

Mackenzie Hearne

Student Advisor

Hey! My name is Mackenzie Hearne and I am so excited to be serving as the King City FFA student advisor for the 2018-2019 school year. I am a senior at KCHS this year and I alongside to my FFA activities, I enjoy playing softball in the Spring and skiing. I am very excited for my year of service and hope to accommodate my chapter members as best as possible.



Mrs. Souza
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Mr. Smith
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Mrs. Peterson
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Mr. Zappulla 
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Mrs.  Cervantes 
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