Greenhand Leadership Conference

About GLC
Introduces students to the benefits and opportunities in Agricultural Education, including SAE and FFA. This conference is the “hook-line-and-sinker to get students to buy into Agricultural Education throughout their four years in high school.Who: Freshmen
: One Day Event, 34 Conferences in Aug., Sept. and Oct.
What: Each student will:

  • Define Agricultural Education, it’s three ring model (Classroom & Laboratory, Supervised Agricultural Experience [SAE] and the National FFA Organization) and the three “Rs” model (Rigorous Instruction, Relevant Experiences and Relationships)
  • Explore the Six Benefits of Agricultural Education through hands on team challenges: Learning, Experience, Leadership, Competition, Travel and Personal Growth.
  • Discover the Six Opportunities in Agricultural Education, which provide the Six Benefits: Hands-On Instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), Officers and Committees, Career Development Events (CDE), Conventions and Conferences.
  • Learn more about California FFA’s leadership and personal growth conferences: GLC, MFE, ALA, SLE and WLC.
  • Develop a personal plan of action utilizing SMART goals that address the following areas: Lead (FFA), Learn (Classroom), Earn (SAE), and Live (Life).

Freshmen: Experience your “All Access Pass”!

This is no ordinary leadership experience! You will spend the day diving into the incredible ways Agricultural Education will impact your life and the exciting events and opportunities in store for you. This action-packed day is sure to be a fun way to meet new people and receive your “All Access Pass” with Agricultural Education and FFA.

Made For Excellence

Personal development starts with the individual. Self-discovery of talents, strengths, interests and personal character are emphasized as the individual is channeled to discover their passion in life. This conference focuses on “ME: one’s personal skills and development of the ability to be successful.”Who: Sophomores
When: Two Day Event, 8 Conferences in January and February
What: Each student will:

  • Define leadership and identify how to be a leader in one’s home and community
  • Explore the role of choices and responsibility in character development
  • Investigate personal strengths and interests
  • Identify specific opportunities for involvement in Agricultural Education
  • Explore tools for continued leadership and personal growth, including “sharpen the saw”
  • Revise the personal plan of action, first introduced at the Greenhand Leadership Conference (GLC)
Sophomores: “Adventure” Awaits!
Get ready for “Adventure U”: a jam-packed weekend where sophomore FFA members explore leadership, the power of choices and find themselves in this one of a kind personal growth conference! You will spend the weekend learning about your strengths and how to stay sharp as a leader: physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially. Enjoy time in a nice hotel, experience a crazy dance and meet FFA members from across your region here at MFE: “Adventure U”!

Advanced Leadership Academy

Once a leader is comfortable with their own self and self-purpose, they can discover how to work with others and establish a goal. The process for analyzing program needs and planning a project or event is the focus of this conference as students discover how to be teams of innovative leaders in their chapter. This conference about “WE: the individual leader, their relationships with others and how to establish common vision.”Who: Juniors and Seniors
When: Two Day Event, 8 Conferences in January and February
What: Each student will:

  • Define vision and purpose
  • Understand the focus of the National FFA Organization and the fifteen areas of the Program of Activities: Student, Chapter and Community
  • Conduct a critical analysis of an issue using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Map
  • Assess personal leadership qualities (Strengths, Triggers, Personality, and Learning Style) and develop strategies for conflict resolution (observe, think, feel, do)
  • Create a vision plan using the Program of Activities: Project Goals and Description, Steps, and Project Review (accomplishments and recommendations)
  • Discover methods of establishing buy in (SPIN-WIIFM) and building support for their chapter project
Juniors: Envision a new FFA!      
What could your FFA chapter accomplish if it had the tools and strategies to be truly powerful? Get ready for ALA: “A New Vision”. ALA will help students and chapter officers hone in on the purpose and vision of the National FFA Organization as students gain clarity on the fifteen areas of the program of activities in student, chapter and community development. During this conference chapter members will learn the steps to developing action plans for a community development agricultural promotion project and showcase their idea to other chapters at ALA. Members will leave with dozens of new ideas to enhance their chapter and lead FFA towards “A New Vision”!

Sacramento Leadership Experience

California FFA’s premier capstone conference, individuals and teams are prepared to make things happen. Skills for solving problems, making decisions and accomplishing goals are developed. Students step into the role of one of California’s State legislators, are assigned a specific California district and spend four days in Sacramento. SLE is all about the role of government, agricultural policy and advocacy. This conference focuses on “DO: the ability of the individual leader and team to put their vision into action.”Who: Top 60 Seniors
When: Four Day Event, One Conference in March
What: Each student will:

  • Recall the structure and three branches of government
  • Discuss Capitalism v. Socialism, Conservative and Liberal values, and Fiscal v. Social policy
  • Analyze the effect of demographics and socioeconomics on voting and policy
  • Define the steps from which a bill becomes a law
  • Research and debate critical issues in agriculture, environment, food and education
  • Create key messages and prepare for legislative visits
  • Discuss Senate and Assembly mock legislation and engage in mock lobbying
  • Move bills through the legislative process, including policy and fiscal committee hearings
  • Debate mock Bills in the State Assembly or Senate Chambers
  • Engage in reflection sessions focusing on Doing, Learning, Earning and Serving
Seniors: Legislatorum est justas leges condere
The mottos of the California State Legislature: “it is the duty of the senators to protect the liberty of the people and of legislators to pass just laws”.This capstone event is one in a lifetime experience you will never forget! Each year California FFA hosts its premier leadership development conference where forty-five of our top graduating senior FFA members are selected annually to step into the role of one of California’s State Legislators. Students are assigned a specific California district and spend four days in Sacramento learning about government, issues in agriculture and ethics, water and natural resources, food and nutrition, and education. At the end of the week, students have the opportunity to conduct mock legislation they have drafted during the conference on the chamber floor of the state senate or assembly.

California FFA State Conference

For All Members; Four Day Event, 1 Convention held in April

Over 5,000 high school students, advisors and guests attend the largest annual conference Fresno hosts — the California FFA State Leadership Conference at the Selland Arena in downtown Fresno. The four-day conference attracts young agricultural leaders from over 300 chapters of California FFA.

The Convention encourages students to develop personal and team leadership skills, discover agricultural careers, establish lasting friendships and strive for success.

The Convention also will highlight student accomplishments in public speaking and production practices with proficiency awards, scholarships and special recognitions.

National FFA Convention

For All Members; Four Day Event, 1 Convention held in October

More than 60,000 attend the annual National FFA Convention & Expo, including students, teachers, school administrators, former FFA members and guests from throughout the country.

The event is the nation’s largest annual gathering of students. Students have the opportunity to explore career and educational opportunities from more than 450 industry-leading exhibitors at the Expo and participate in hundreds of education workshops and tours.

While in Louisville, FFA members and other supporters from around the country will learn about careers in agriculture, compete for scholarships and awards, meet with industry leaders, volunteer in the Louisville community and learn skills they can take back to their home FFA chapter.