Board Meeting

On August 17, the King City FFA officer team presented to the board at their monthly meeting in King City. We presented our theme and program of activities for the board members and introduced our new goals and ideas for our chapter this year.

Monterey Bay Section Blue & Gold Games

On September 24th, 7 to 8 members will be attending the 4th annual Monterey Bay Section Blue and Gold games (location to be determined). It will be a day of full with fun activities and an opportunity to meet new people from our section and at the end members will receive prizes. If interested please contact your ag teacher.

End of the Year Banquet (2015-2016)

The end-of-the-year banquet was a success and 385 people in attendance, many of our chapter members received awards and got honored for their SAE projects. We also had 31 seniors receive their honor cords to wear at graduation. Kayla Hawkingson received the Star Greenhand Award, Teagan Soares received the Star Chapter Farmer Award, and Freddy Hernandez received the Outstanding 3rd year Member Award. At the end of the night the 2016-2017 King City FFA Chapter Officer got installed into office.

San Benito County Fair
San Benito fair is coming up in September, all of you showing should already have your animals. People who are showing are Sadie, Mauri, Justin, Emily, Maddie, Delaney, Megan, and Teagan. The fair runs from September 22 through October 1 with show days on Wednesday Thursday and Friday and auction on Saturday. If you want to show next year the interest meeting is in February.

As you know our annual poinsettia fundraiser is a great way to help our chapter earn money and our members earn activity points. We will begin selling them on September 26 and they are due by October 14. Every 4 poinsettias sold, you can earn 1 activity point. Poinsettia pick ups will be November 29th 4-6 in Miss Fontes room. They are selling for $10 each.

Greenhand Leadership Conference
Freshman don’t forget to turn in your $20 for the greenhand conference on October 13, there’s only 28 spots and it’s a first come first serve basis. Make sure to talk to your ag teacher about going, it’s a great way to meet new people and develop leadership skills.

Opening and Closing Competition

Opening and closing tryouts will be held on September 12. If you are interested and committed, show up to tryouts at 3:15 in Mrs. Souza’s room. Practices before school will be held every Wednesday and Friday until competition day on October 5. See you at tryouts!

Let’s Be Charitable
A new goal for this year is to create a strong bond with our community. Every month, the officers will pick A charity and we want you guys to help us out. We will be donating to the charity of our choice and so can you, for an extra activity point. The charity of the month is the American cancer association. Thank you to everyone who participated at relay for life with a team or worked for community service.

Parent Orientation

on August 18, We had this annual meeting to inform parents what FFA is all about. the meeting started at 6 o’clock with opening ceremonies done by the officers. Then the advisers took over to go more indepth with our chapter. We are glad to say that approximately 118 parents were in attendance.

Officer Retreat

Towards the end of summer, our officer team had a great retreat at Matthew’s lake cabin in Oak Shores. We had so much fun planning this entire year, with lots of new ideas and goals for our chapter. Our theme that we decided on for this year is “adventure is out there”, which we are using to encourage you all to step out of your comfort zone and explore!

Greenhand/Chapter Farmer Degree Banquet
On September 17 King city FFA will be having their annual Greenhand/Chapter Farmer banquet. This banquet will be starting at 6PM in the Pavilion building at the fairgrounds and is five dollars per person. All greenhand and chapter farmers that attend this banquet will be receiving their pin. If you are interested in attending talk to your advisor to RSVP. Also don’t forget green hands if you need an activity point show up that morning in the ag department to die your hands green on the 7th.

SOLC(Sectional Officer Leadership Conference)
On September 10-11 Anyssa and I, along with the rest of the Monterey Bay sectional officers will be attending SOLC, sectional officer leadership conference, in Atascadero. We will be involved in many leadership workshops put on by the state and regional officers all topped off with a huge dance.

Explorers of the Month – August

This month’s explorers of the month took on a great responsibility in ag leadership with creating the Weekly News Videos. We greatly appreciate them for that, this month’s explorers are Dusty Miller and Michael Hart.